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The Fih Dragon10
Posts : 89
Location : The Cosmos
Join date : 2021-02-06

Reputation : 12

Pending The Fih

Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:45 am

The Fih Dragon10
Posts : 89
Location : The Cosmos
Join date : 2021-02-06

Reputation : 12

Pending Re: The Fih

Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:11 pm
The Fih Gojoch10

Fame Level determines a characters notoriety. More fame means more of a chance that enemies will know of ones exploits and feats. This can cause more caution and preparation needed before dealing with you meaning opponents will attempt to create more counters. They may have awareness of your general capabilities. Less fame means less knowledge on what one can do. Meaning you are either too weak, or too mysterious in how you behave for anyone to have any information on you. 

Unknown: Being unknown means you have more than likely lived a normal or secluded life. Maybe you lived out in the country, or went to a local high school. Either way, anyone facing you will likely have no idea who you are or what you can do. Curses are newly born and have kept their exploits hidden are usually in this category as well. Most 4th - 3rd grades can be found here. But that is not always the case. 
Fame rating 0-5

Known: Those in the known category are likely already an established sorcerer, or someone who is a pupil to one. You likely are only really known on a first name basis if that or someone may know your face. Your main gimmick has probably been seen by a handful of individuals in your immediate circle, or at a rival school. Anything new you gain or acquire will likely be something people have not seen before. A curse found here likely has been discovered and escaped being hunted once. Or has taken over a location and has been at least somewhat investigated. Usually 2nd - 1st grades are likely in this category. But remember, that is not always the case. 
Fame rating 6-15

Relevant: Those who are relevant are often spirits or sorcerers who have made some waves. First grades or exceptional second grades may likely be in this category, but that is much more rare. Teachers and strong curses who have avoided exorcism can be found here. It Is likely someone has encountered your abilities first hand, or knows someone who has. They may prepare for you, or construct an on the spot strategy that best works against you abilities. People will know you by first name, and may even have some information on your past. Like those who are known, anything new you have gained or acquired will likely go unnoticed. Curses here likely will have people on full alert, having some feature or notifier of your identity and abilities. 
Fame rating: 16-19

Revered or Feared: Those found in this category are beings of legend or high exploits. They have likely gained an unmistakable ability, or have been highly active in taking lives of humans, or sorcerers. Anyone who knows about curses knows you and your abilities. They are aware of how to fight you or how too whittle away at your abilities and may have made extensive preparations before crossing you. Though…with those found here knowing isn’t even half the battle. But hey, it's something…right
Fame rating: 20+ 
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