Jujutsu Kaisen
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Character Resources  Empty Character Resources

Sat Feb 06, 2021 8:25 am
Character Resources  Protot11

CHARACTER RESOURCESCharacter Resources  Protot11
The character resources are meant for people who are looking to improve their character writing. This resource will aid you with multiple questionnaires, articles for characters, and world-building elements along with character archetypes. Please use it to its fullest potential because it will make you not only a better role player but a writer. This topic will be updated as time goes on.

A questionnaire is as it sounds. To make good characters you need to be able to interview them with a list of questions. Just because your bio is done doesn't mean your job is. You should always be asking yourself questions about your RPC, questions like "would this break them?" or "how would they react if they were exposed to this?" Sometimes specific settings in which characters grow up shape their personalities, so if you grew up pampered and were given everything at a young age, you're most like spoiled with a closed outlook on life in some areas until you broaden your horizons.


Springhole is a fantastic site to learn about improving your RPC's because there's an endless rabbit hole of information to pull from it. Besides what I've posted, you owe to yourself to explore it further and enrich your mind.


Besides myself, members of this RP may want to do some world-building themselves with their own creativity.


Character archetypes are something EVERYONE does because we're all inspired by different bodies of work. Take Gege for example, he likes to combine two or more characters from different animes/mangas he loves to make his characters. It doesn't have to stop at anime either. Try looking up real-action characters, or characters from western comics you enjoy.


Last edited by Vermillion on Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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